When you own a business, you probably understand how important it is to promote what you offer and your brand in general. If you are ready to advertise your business and what’s offered to the fullest, you need (at a minimum) to invest in a few high-quality business signs that let local residents to know where you are in the neighborhood. While commercial signs may seem like a simple marketing effort, you would be surprised about how many businesses make commercial signage mistakes. If you know what the mistakes are, you can avoid them. As a result, this should be a top priority. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common commercial signage mistakes made.
An Overly Complex Design
If you have a large-scale, outdoor sign, it should instantly communicate your message and your brand. Unfortunately, the message you are trying to portray may be misunderstood if you try to say too much on a small space. This type of commercial signage needs to include the name of your business, your logo, and sometimes, a tagline. If you add more elements than this, it’s going to make your sign confusing to those who see it. Remember, even if you have just three components on your sign, it may have a design that’s too complex. This happens if you use font that is hard to read, if you use too many colors, or if you include overwhelming graphics. All these factors may significantly impact your messaging. A general rule to follow is to keep the sign simple and effective. There are additional steps you can take to communicate any other information you want to be seen.
No Lighting or Inadequate Lighting
If you want to ensure your signage is going to grab the attention of people who are on the street, you have to make sure your sign is illuminated. This doesn’t mean that you have to use neon colors, but you can’t rely on a sign that is completely unlit to make an impact. It’s important to note, approximately 83 percent of business owners that have purchased LED signage have noticed an increase in sales. Your commercial sign may include built-in lighting features, or you may have to have a separate spotlight-style bulb installed to illuminate the sign when it is dark. Regardless of what option you choose, you need to ensure that people passing by can see the sign, no matter if it is dark outside, or not. If they are unable to see the sign, they may never know you are there, which is going to cause you to miss out on valuable, money-spending foot traffic.
Avoid These Mistakes for Sign Success
If you want to ensure that your signage efforts are successful, the best thing you can do is avoid the most common mistakes, which are found here. By doing this, you can feel confident that you can attract new customers and that you will encourage more people to visit your store.
Looking for a full service sign and lighting company in Kansas City? Contact Excel Lighting & Sign today!