If you have traveled at all, or even driven around Kansas City or surrounding areas on occasion, you have no doubt come across countless sleepy strip malls, kiosks, or even roadside signs that are weather worn and honestly, unmemorable – which, in one way, means you may NOT have noticed them after all. That’s just the point with a company or commercial sign; it’s supposed to get noticed!
Signs that have seen their better days are usually obvious, although they’re easy to forget and definitely give potential customers a bad impression about your business. Either you don’t have enough profits to get a nifty new sign, or you simply don’t care. An out-of-date sign does one thing very well, though – it reflects poorly on your business.
As a business owner, you’re used to the exterior of your business and honestly, you may not pay that much attention to it. However, new customers will notice EVERYTHING about your business, including whether your building needs a paint job or new siding and whether the signs are still readable, or missing letters.
Here are three reasons you may want to consider a new commercial sign for your Kansas City business:
- There’s a new concept – your business doesn’t operate the way it once did. Suppose when you opened your donut shop, you served only donuts, pastries, coffee, and juice. Now, you’ve added a fresh lunch menu consisting of salads, soups, and sandwiches. What better way to inform people that you’re offering more than with an appealing and attention-grabbing new sign?
- Your business location has moved. Even if the old sign did not have an address, get a new sign when you move locations. Why? For one thing, it won’t save you a substantial amount of money to take the old sign with you. If you’re going to start fresh, go all out fresh! After all, those in your new location may not realize you have come from another location, so a sign that looks old or used may seem a bit odd.
- Shake things up a bit. What’s new about your storefront? Probably nothing. People have become so used to driving by your business and what it looks like, they don’t even notice anymore. Freshen things up and make your business capture the eyes of passers-by again with a brand new sign!
At Excel Lighting & Signs, we are the experts in commercial sign fabrication. No matter what type of business you have in mind, our Kansas City sign company can help your company attract notice and stand out!